Sunday, January 4, 2009

Happy New year Rockstars!!

Hi Ladies!!

Happy New year to all of you! I love the New Year because it is a time of new beginnings and an opportunity to evaluate how far we have come and just how far we can go in the future.

This year I have decided that I am not going to make a specific resolution...I am going to continue what I am doing, only better. What does this mean to you? terms of fitness and diet. I am committed to relaying the most cutting edge information I can to all of you regarding specific fitness routines and healthy eating.

This past year has been so exciting with the birth of our beach workouts and the new classes I have added at MSTC. I look forward to continuing my relationships with all of you. I appreciate your support and I am committed to making this year one that you will all benefit from.

I feel so grateful to be able to do what I love! Thanks for all of your support and for being the Rockstars that you are!

Happy, Happy New Year!


1 comment:

Jen said...

Hey here is the class schedule for Bikram Yoga in Swampscott..going to try to go Sat @4pm...amazing stretching for anyone intersted!